In Conversation with Dame Elizabeth Corley and Helen Dean, CEO of Nest

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This post was authored by the Impact Investing Institute.

In this episode of our In Conversation series, our Chair, Dame Elizabeth Corley, spoke to Helen Dean, CEO of Nest, one of the largest UK pension schemes.

In today’s world, how do pension schemes continue to create sufficient returns for their members that are sustainable over the long term? How do they manage risk and embrace opportunities?

Connecting to members

Helen talks about the role of impact investing in fulfilling, rather than hindering, Nest’s fiduciary duty to their members.

She shares that three quarters of Nest members, with the average members earning just over 20,000 pounds a year, not only give their permission to invest in a responsible way, but say that they expect that of their pension provider.

The role of fiduciary duty

“There is something about having a mandate from our members and connecting with them. And for me, the whole thing comes back to our fiduciary duty as trustees of a pension scheme. I just think we define that far too narrowly at the moment,” Helen says.

In our In Conversation series, produced in collaboration with Asset TV, we we talk to senior leaders in finance who are shaping the intersection of finance and positive change, and put impact at the heart of what they do.