Just Transition Criteria – a practical tool for fund managers
The Institute’s Just Transition Criteria are a ‘first of its kind’ practical tool for fund managers who want to invest in a transition to a net zero world that prioritises the needs of the planet and the people living on it.
Responding to the Department for Work and Pensions Consultation on climate and investment reporting
In October 2021, the Department for Work and Pensions launched their consultation “Climate and investment reporting: setting expectations and empowering savers.” We welcome this timely consultation which introduces important and valuable new ways for pension schemes to invest lawfully, responsibly and with impact.
Responding to the Department for Work and Pensions’ consultation on the consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes
In June 2021, the Institute submitted its response to the Department for Work and Pensions’ consultation on the consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes. The Institute strongly welcomes the consultation’s foresight in recognising the increasing importance of social factors for investing.
Impact Investing Principles for Pensions
We developed four guiding principles for pension schemes that give an accessible, practical insight into the opportunity presented by impact investing and the concrete steps trustees can take to pursue an impact investing strategy.
Impact investing by pension funds: Fiduciary duty – the legal context
We produced a paper that explains how fiduciary duty and impact investing are compatible, written and attested by five leading law firms and reviewed by a number of other lawyers and experts.
Pensions with impact – a case study
Many pensions are already investing with impact and provide useful examples for others to learn from. Pensioenfonds voor het Slagersbedrijf, the pension fund for the Dutch butchers’ industry with AUM of c.