Making it easier for asset managers to invest with impact

We support asset managers to put impact at the heart of their investment process.

We are working with asset managers across the industry and around the world to mobilise more impact capital at scale. We believe change only happens in coalition, so we create spaces for asset managers, asset owners, investment advisors, and policymakers to work together on solutions. 

Our Just Transition Finance Challenge 

One example of driving collaborative change is our Just Transition Finance Challenge, which brings together global financial institutions with over £4 trillion of assets, or assets under management, that are committed to financing a fair and inclusive transition to a net zero economy – a just transition in the UK and emerging markets. 

Together, we have developed a set of criteria that fund managers can use to design and structure investment products, which can help deliver a just transition.

The Challenge helps asset managers as well as asset owners respond to growing demand for investment products that deliver social and environmental benefits. It also enables solutions that genuinely look to advance a just transition to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Focus on practical solutions 

We provide learning resources, case studies, and other practical tools to help investment professionals become impact investors. 

Our open-source Learning Hub, named by Forbes as a go-to resource for impact investing, provides the knowledge and skills needed to do impact investing with confidence.

We also convene asset managers, asset owners, and other market participants to discuss specific issues and barriers that prevent them from deploying impact investing strategies.

For example, in partnership with WHEB Asset Management and Friends Provident Foundation, we brought together leading public market investors to share their experience and ideas for advancing good impact investment practice. Find out more by reading a briefing note here.

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